Sunday, March 13, 2011
mixes of dogs
One litter of dogs caught my attention…the Labrador Retriever Pointer Mix.
with Sparkle, a Chihuahua mix. See more pictures of dogs.
They are great dogs. My buddies wife has one,what a personality.
I Love My Tibetan Mastiff Mixes (Multiple Dogs) Custom Tie by muttybuddy
Chihuahua mix dog
has made Compositions sinny is offering a carrotduration Sheltie+mixes
chow mix dog. A dominant Chow-mix - be careful of these dogs
Rescue Poodle-Mix Dogs
Australian Shepherd/Lab Mix
Purebred Dogs and Designer Mixes
dogs and puppies in Chicago Images
Tip: If you want to get a dog adopted faster, call it a golden retriever mix
yorkie mix dog. May 03, 2007 in little guys, terriers, yorkies | Permalink
I Love My Dalmatian Mixes (Multiple Dogs) Mug by muttybuddy
is a Finnish Spitz, or Finnish spitz type mix… they are wonderfull dogs.
We just don't know what his mix is. I have read a few comments from others
Made with real carrot & a hint of nutmeg, this mix makes a traditional
I don't think it's weiner dog mix can you find out for me?
We knew we had to save another dog. Roxy is the Rottwieler mix and we found
10d-0484,485 Boxer, Retriever [Mix] Medium Baby Female Dog ONE ADOPTED